Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Choices Choices Choices

I am sure that we all have someone in our lives that tests us and moves us to emotions and frustrations that make us almost loose our minds. Lately I have had many and the Lord has once again used them and their "situations" to teach me. It is a lesson that I am still learning. It seems that I have many times "given" them over to the Lord or "forgiven" them only to feel that sickness in my stomach every time I think of them.  I would say out loud, "Lord I give this situation to you. It's yours. I know that I can do nothing about it. I know that only you can change hearts and minds. Only you can make new what the enemy has devastated." Then 20 seconds after doing that, I have picked it right back up again. How do you let go? How do you make the CHOICE to let go?! 

As I began to look for scriptures and teachings about forgiveness I ran across an idea that I had never entertained before. The concept that I was feeling rejection rather than anger or a sense of being betrayed. Many times the actual cause of my personal frustration was and is in fact that I feel rejected. Every time I usually run into one of these situations the root of what I feel is rejection. Mind you, this has taken me quite a while to accept. I have battled with rejection my whole life at one time or another. I really thought that I was OVER the whole rejection thing. When I was looking up scriptures on this I found a wonderful quote by Beth Moore. (One of my very favorites!)

"The next time you feel rejection's sting, remember God's word to Samuel: "It is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me." (Samuel 8:7)
-Beth Moore

When I read that it was almost as if a light switch had gone on in my mind and heart. In practically all of these cases that I have been hurt, frustrated, left out, and yes felt rejected, it wasn't me that those people rejected. I can't even tell you what a huge burden lifted off me. That meant that I no longer had to "work" at the relationship the same way that I had. It meant instead that I could now look at all of those relationships with a perspective that actually had Christ in the place where I had been standing.  A few weeks ago our pastor, Scott Beard, gave a quote that fit so perfectly.

"Without perspective our vision is always on our circumstances"
-Scott Beard 

When I was able to look at situations with Christ my place it freed me. Instead of me being the one that arrows are flung at, it was Him. Instead lies being told about me, it's Him that they lie about. Instead of me being rejected, it's Him being rejected. That frees me up to be able to pray for those who have been spiteful. It  frees me up to let go of hurt and hate because it's not mine. I can't take ownership of it. 
WOW what freedom!!! What incredible truth and how awesome to experience the fact that the TRUTH does indeed set us free.   

The knowledge that I am actually making the CHOICE to change perspective makes it so much easier to let go and allow Him to shine His truth into my life, on my situations, and penetrate the hearts of those around me. I want my life to be a work in progress that draws men to Him and not revolt them from Him...So really when it comes down to it...Once again what it all comes down to is Him. If I chose to keep my perspective on Him, to set my face like flint.....

"Because the Sovereign LORD helps me, I will
not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face
like flint, and I know I will not be put to
-Isaiah 50:7

I will overcome. I will see lives truly changed. I will see the bound set free. I will see His kingdom come!

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