Wednesday, November 25, 2009


CSI is one of my very favorite shows on TV. I am always amazed at all the information that they can get from a small fiber or smudge of something. I recently saw that they could actually retrieve DNA from a finger print. It is amazing to me that God in His wonderful imagination not only made sure that no two finger prints would be the same, but that we would also leave an essential part of who we are every time that we leave a fingerprint behind. I think that is how we should be as Christians. We should not only leave a print on the hearts and lives of those who we come in contact with, but we should also leave an essential building block of Christ behind as well. I see it as a seed.

That leaves me to ask myself how many prints am I leaving. Am I teaching the girls at church what love really is. Do I exemplify what a servant is? Are they learning from me what seeking first the kingdom really means? At this moment I don't think so, but I sure do want to get to a place where they see His DNA in my life so that I can pass it on to them and they to others.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my word! It feels like that JUST happened! How did our babies get so big?

    Love the blog! =)


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