Friday, August 28, 2009

Suffer the Little Children...

I wonder how many children at this very moment are sitting in a corner; hiding and tucked in a ball just hoping that they have some how become invisible. I was recently reminded that the number is too high and the laws that protect them are too lenient. For the life of me I don't understand being angry enough to to hurt your child to the point of major injury, less alone to the point of death. Children are pulled and pushed through a foster and judicial system that is unable to protect them and provide for them n the manner that they desperately need.
Why should a parent who has injured a child over and over be allowed to have a child back? Why should a mother or father who stands by and watches the abuse be allowed to have visitation? How many children have to broken , beaten, and killed before we get the picture?
You know God in His infinite wisdom made children very resilient. He knew that there would be scraps and bumps as they learn to become mobile. Emma has fallen many times and in great fear I have run to her side only to find that a bruise might be her badge but there was no damage. I think of how hard that fall was and how she was uninjured and then I wonder just how hard do you have to hit a child to cause broken bones at this stage. How hard does a child have to be kicked to cause internal bleeding that will end a life? How completely out of control do you have to be to beat a child to the point that when you enter a room they cower down from you?
I have great passion about this, because even though I did not suffer everyday abuse, I did suffer abuse on a random basis. I remember the fear, the feeling of no control, the screaming inside of my head for help that NO ONE heard. How many precious babies go through abuse on a daily basis and no one hears the screams, no one sees the pain, and no one gives a damn.
Shame on us!!! Shame on us to live in a country where we see on the news that a mother in Texas has not only killed her child, but eaten part of him!! Shame on us for allowing a judge to sit on the stand and send a little girl back to a home where both legs have been broken and obvious abuse has been daily and in the end her door to death!! Shame on us to live our little houses with our curtains pulled tight and allow ourselves to be oblivious to the little six month old baby girl who died not only at her father and mother's hands but the whole family!!! Shame on us if our hearts are not broken at the thought of a child helpless, scared, alone, and with out protection from the families that have so carelessly fallen victim to anger, rage and wrath!

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