Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What is My Shade?

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth—

    for your love is more delightful than wine.

Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;

    your name is like perfume poured out.
    No wonder the young women love you!
Take me away with you—let us hurry!
    Let the king bring me into his chambers.

(No this is not from an erotic novel that seems to be working the women of America into a frenzy.  It is actually a portion of the first chapter of the Song of Solomon.)

When Magic Mike I will be honest... I thought "HOLY MOLY!!! WOW!!"  Then very quickly the Holy Spirit checked me. Then I began to hear about this whole "Shades of Grey" thing... I mean who couldn't use a little spice in their lives ...right? I mean right?... Oh how quickly the Lord began to speak to me.  I have read a lot of blogs about difent people's takes on it but hear is what I heard the Lord say about it...

 "He went on: "It's what comes out of a person that pollutes: obscenities, lusts, thefts, murders, adulteries, greed, depravity, deceptive dealings, carousing, mean looks, slander, arrogance, foolishness—all these are vomit from the heart. There is the source of your pollution."
                                                                                                               Mark 7:20-23

When I read this I immediatley thought of my house on the worst day....With two toddlers and an infant my house (with less than 4 years between the oldest and youngest). My house is always in some state of crazy...Would I like it if Christ showed up today unannounced?  Would I be proud of what he saw all over or would the trash be over flowing and the dishes fill the sink? Or would He see that my house may be a mess but babies are happy and they are learning to love Him? Do I allow good and healthy things in my life thus in my house or do I let the trash pour in? 

We as Christians forget all too fast that we are in the world and not of it. Just because my neighbors does it doesn't mean that it is OK for me.  You Paul kind of addressed this. When he said in Corinthians...

 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive.
                                                                                                            I Corinthians10:23

 You know because we have experienced such tremendous grace and freedom through Christ, I could go and see those hard bodies rotate around for our entertainment, but what would it gain me? I could read the super hot lusty novel that is hitting the top ten all over the country,but what  would it gain me?  

Another way I look at it is how would I feel if me husband was looking at Playboy and hitting the stripe clubs? Would I be like, "Sure babe that works for me!....Hey maybe if you read an erotic novel our intimacy would be better, or maybe if you look a few more naked women you will view my body more as a temple..." I don't think I would and I doubt most women would be. I think that I would feel like I was lacking. I would feel like some how I did not fill his desires and that some how I didn't measure up. Is that what we want to tell the men in our lives? That they don't measure up?  No! and I mean NO!!

I want my husband to feel like he meets all my needs whether that is in our bedroom or if that is in the everyday life that we share. I want him to know, that I did not settle...I chose!! I did not choose him because of a hot body or his ability to know every Karma Sutra  position...I chose him because he is faithful, he is witty, he is smart, he is considerate, he is compassionate, he is the man I could see being a good father to my future children and he was the one I loved and most importantly...he loved me the way that I deserved to be loved. He placed me and my happiness above his own wants and desires. That my friends is the reason that you marry a man...looks fade and yes hair will be lost at some point, but his love is faithful to me. 

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