Friday, January 1, 2010
So 2010.... I know that there are lots of people who get really excited about a new year, new beginnings...blah blah blah....I am not one of them. You could say that my new year has begun with a stinging does of reality. The reality that this is it. I had in my mind really worked up this picture of having girl friends who wanted to bless me and have a shower for our new baby boy coming. The reality hit me today as I was filling out some of Jack's new baby book and I ran across the "shower" page. There will be none. My mother offered to have a couples shower, but again reality bit deep into the fleshy part of my heart and I realized that we flat don't have any friends that we would invite. There would be no long list of friends and family to invite and know that they would come because they want to bless us. It makes me that much more thankful that family is close and I do know this...They care even if no one else does. Mick and I have talked so many times about this subject. Do we stink? Is there a sign on us that we can not see? Are we simply so awkward that no one dares venture in our direction? I don't think we are any of those things. In fact, I would dare add that we are very cool people, even if it is in our own minds.
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haha! You guys are totally cool! =) I know it's hard to not get offended, but just know you're not the only one. Aunt Lyn gave me a shower for Cade, but that's the only one I've ever had. Unfortunately most people don't want to undertake such an expensive thing and host a shower these days. I'm sorry though, Ker! =( Keep your focus on the sweet little Man that we will get to meet in SIX DAYS!!!!!! I can't believe it! Wish I could be there!!!