Saturday, October 23, 2010

Lunch: Cheap and Easy

So have to admit that I have been one of those moms who relies entirely too much on hot dogs and PB & J. I really wanted to make something for my little ones that they would eat and I would know was nutritious. So I looked in my freezer, pantry, and fridge. This is what I found:

Parmesan, Diced tomatoes, Margarine, Frozen chopped spinach,
Bacon ends, and angel hair pasta

I simply prepared my pasta as usual, drained it and tossed it with a little oil. I then put the tomatoes,
half of the bag of spinach and cut up bacon ends in a skillet. I let this cook on medium and put a load of laundry on. I came back and let it cook for around 15 minutes. I added water as needed.

To my surprise, Emma and Jack loved it!! Keep in mind that they are a whopping 22 and 9 months old. I never thought for a second that either would like the spinach, but they did!!

Jack even had seconds!
I promise to eventaully get better at documenting pictures and I will hopefully have a better camers soon as well.
Have fun making it work y'all!


  1. Yum! I'll have to try it, Ker! =)

  2. I LOVE the new layout! GREAT job!!! =)

  3. Sounds good--keep introducing those things into their diet at this early age. I so regret not doing that with my oldest one, but have with the other two. Thanks for following my blog.


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