Ten years ago in June I met Mick, my husband, online. I was sitting in a computer bong with 75-100 other people in CheongJu south Korea and responded to a message that he had sent me. That night we called each other and I remember thinking, "WOW!!!This man could change my life." I had no idea just how true that was. We spent the rest of my contract in Korea talking on the phone and having messenger meetings. It was decided that I would go to see him when my contract was up. I had been in Korea 15 months when I met him. This at the school that I was st were less than happy. I had gone to teach English and just about everything that had been promised to me was false. Although I struggled with the situation, I still loved many of the people that I had met there and when asked if I would stay another year, I stupidly said yes. I waited almost three months for a second contract to be drawn up but it never came. I found out that what they were doing was delaying the contract so that they could legally get more time form me without paying and being responsible for a visa renewal. these are important things when teaching in a foreign country ( for those of you thinking about it) ( contact me I have some great resources for you!) as things began to unravel at the school Mick and I really began to care a lot for each other. he finally told me that he thought I should get out of the situation any way that I could. I finally told the head master that I was leaving. They could either provide the ticket home that had been promised or I could go to the authorities with everything that I knew. a ticket was purchased....
First time we met 2002 |
Mick and I had decided that I would fly to meet him in person. I arrived in the states in late September and in November I flew out to see him. As long as I live i will never forget the grin on his face the first time that he saw me in the flesh. At that time I had no idea what he had already sacrificed for me. You see when I met Mick he was a forklift driver for a builders merchant. He didn't make a lot of money but it was enough for him. He scrimped and saved until he was able to get a ticket for me to come see him. He went without for months so that he could show me a good time while I was there. Nothing was too much to ask...
Our wedding February 2004 |
Our time together in England solidified the feelings that we had and he asked me to marry him. He had yet again done without until he could scrap together the money to take me to Blackpool. There he asked me to marry him....while I was soaking my feet! I came home in December and we began the process of getting him here. For those of you who don't know... Our immigration process for this country is an absolute JOKE!! It cost us thousands of dollars in immigration fees and travel just to get a fiancee visa. Honestly the subject of immigration is a whole other blog entry!
When Mick came here to be with me he left his Mother whom he ate at least one meal a day with, His sister, whom he had a very tight relationship with, and some absolutely salt of the earth friends. He sold and gave away EVERYTHING that he had. EVERYTHING!!!!! Packed everything that would fit in one suitcase and left. He left not knowing when and if he would ever see his family and friends again. He left not knowing what his future would be in Texas, He left everything that he had ever worked for and came here. To me. For me. He gave up everything that he had on the chance that I would love him and that we could make it. other than the love of the Father, I have never known such love and commitment.
Camping with the little Honda that could |
2007 |
Yes it has been hard. We have struggled to keep our heads above water from the beginning. Yes we have had to settle for less than in our monetary lives, but if we could only measure the things that we are rich in, the value would be priceless. When we were first married we loved just packing the car a taking off. As long as we had a tent we were good! We knew how to have a good time with some lunch meat, butter, and bread. We didn't have much but we had each other. We now have three absolutely glorious, beautiful, and lovely children. We have jobs( 18 months of the first of our marriage we were both jobless!) We have each other!!! we still love each other!!! We have watched friends of ours who have had so very much more from a finical standard fall apart, but we have stayed together through thick and thin.
I am amazed at the Man I met 10 years ago and the one who walks through my door every evening. I see what God has done and what he is doing. Words escape me. The goodness of God is more than I can fathom!! I watch Emma wrap her legs around her Daddy in utter joy when he comes home from work and think "WOW!!God your awesome!!" How He was able to weave the two of us together blows my mind!! Had I been where I am now it would have never worked. I would have never answered a message from a stranger. Had my life not been in ashes, I would have never met this man. God dose indeed give beauty for ashes!!!
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